Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Most Inconvenient Marriage (Ozark Mountain Romance Book #1) by Regina Jennings

The story starts with Abigail Stuart as a nurse during the Civil War. She is tending a patient who is not going to live.  He is quite insistent that Abigail marry him so that when he dies someone will look after his sister Rachel.  Abigail has nowhere else to go when the war is over so she agrees to marry this man, Jeremiah Calhoun. She goes to Jeremiah’s ranch in the Ozarks and introduces herself to his sister and mother as Mrs. Jeremiah Calhoun
Everything is going smoothly until the real Jeremiah Calhoun shows up at the ranch.  Abigail is floored.  Jeremiah is furious.  He thinks Abigail is after the ranch and he is having none of it or her. Jeremiah was shot in the leg during the Civil War and has to use crutches to get around.  Abigail knows she can help him if he will only let her. 
I found this to be a very good book.  It was amusing and soul searching at the same time. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a clean, language free book.  It was listed as a Christian book and that is exactly what it is, although there wasn’t much mentioned about God.
I received this book from the publisher for an honest review.  I was not compensated in any way.

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