Noted mountain guide Nathan Hardee initially refuses to help Cora, but has a change of heart when he sees what is at stake. He knows enough about the man Cora's mother has chosen to know that the headstrong young woman should have nothing to do with him, much less marry him.
Climbing Rainier will require all of Cora's fortitude and will lead her and Nathan to rediscover their faith in God and humanity. These two loners make unlikely partners in righting a wrong and may just discover that only together is the view most glorious.
My review: Cora wants to climb Mt. Rainier for two reasons. She wants to prove that a woman can climb the mountain as good as any man. Also, if she climbs it and reaches the summit her mother won't make her marry Cash Kincaid. Who she can't stand. Cora and her step father hire Nathan Hardee to be their guide. Nathan has reservations about their ability to reach the summit. He is persuaded to be their guide as he knows Cash Kincaid and doesn't want to see her forced into marrying him. Cora's mom was a snob and overbearing mother who thought she knew best no matter what anyone else said. Her step father seemed to care more for Cora that her mother did and wanted only the best for her.
This book held my interest throughout. I was given this book by Revell Publishing in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.
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