Jilly Stiles is a brilliant engineer and is building a railroad. What's amazing about this is that this in the 1800's when it was unheard of for women to even think about such things. Her sister Laura like to play with explosives and her sister Michelle invents things. They are all three brilliant.
Jilly's stepfather has made a bargain with very evil men for the hand in marriage for his 3 stepdaughters. They ran away rather than marry against their wills. The first two books in the series are about Laura and Michelle. This book focuses on Jilly. The man Jilly was supposed to marry is still after her. He wants her and revenge and will go to any lengths to get her.
This is a fast-paced book with lots action. I highly recommend that the first two book in the series be read before this book. They are both just as good as this book. I had trouble putting this book down.
I was given this book by Bethany House Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.