Kadence Tolle is a former CIA sniper who is on the run. She possesses a special set of skills that can't be outmatched. While on the run she saves the life of Lyndon Vaile. She looks at him as nothing but a geek and nerd. Little does she realize he has talents of his own. Not only does he have three doctorates, but he has fighting skills of his own. They discover someone is about to launch a bioattck at the State of the Union address. But no one will listen to their warnings. Soon they discover that they have connections to the one behind the attack.
I wouldn't necessarily call this a Christian book. There are a very few references to God. There is no foul language, sex scenes, or violence. So I would class it as a clean read. If you like suspense, this is the book for you. The only problem I had with the book is that the ending was rather abrupt. I will looking for future books by this author.
I was given this book by Revell Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.